Σάββατο 15 Οκτωβρίου 2011

The Alexander the Great Plan unmasked

Using an extremely complicated algorhythm the ESA was able to estimate the proper financial moves to offset a possible housing crash in the US. Due to Budensbank and Credit Agricole massive investments in US mortgages it was decided that Europe was too exposed to fluctuations of the US market. So a vast program of lending was undertaken to offset this imbalance. According to the algorhythm it was wise to simultaneously funnel large sums into the European south to offset possible downturns in the US. True the countries of the south, and their banks, avoided high risk investments and overseas investments altogether. For the most part banks of southern Europe entrust their investments in Northern European banks. The very same banks that invest in US markets. When the crash did happen and the US with its new president, Obama, was in the compromised position of having to cover bank bankruptcies guess who were the first to go. Yup, the US government bought back its banks from European investors for cents on the dollar and of course the european banks used the investments of the south to cover the losses. A dominoe effect that set into motion the Alexander the Great algorhythm. Now Greece may not need to cover a multitrillion dollar hole but with its measly write off of 100 billion euros will set off a new dominoe effect. Exactly because of its position at the bottom of the totem pole the trickle effect will be a topling effect. You see a hundred billion euros of real money is the equivallent of two to three trillion in loans. Since it is a 30 percent slashing of debt in government bonds it is a slashing of that paperwork that the banks use to underwrite loans. Like a ripple reaching the shore and transforming into a tidal wave the defunct loans will topple each other till even the largest economies crumble. For real this time...

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